
We Love Places

A highly effective repositioning & digital strategy that shattered business records during the toughest period: the low season


Vueling landed in the category with swagger but it was losing its appeal over time. The company was running the risk of becoming another European low cost airline competing for price. We needed to be different again.

Idea: “We Love places”

A social listening revealed a simple truth. People have finally taken the pressure off themselves to visit the must-see sights of a destination. They don’t board a plane to torture themselves and visit things they don’t care about. They travel to do the stuff they genuinely like, such as eating tapas in Madrid, going to clubs in Berlin or doing a marathon in London. Vueling had the spirit to speak for this authentic mode of traveling. A proper way of living & loving the cities where we go. We Love Places!


“Flighting Portugal for the Champions League?”

We identified 5 European travelers clusters (sport, music, shopping, foodie, culture and sport travelers) and digitally impacted them with ideas of plans that they simply couldn’t say no.

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Great success!

Business records (+ 18% ticket sales) in the most difficult time of the year: the low season! 4,1 M organic reach. An increase of 4ppts in consideration and 3ppt as favourite airline. We definitely got back our swagger and we even found a creative solution to de-seasonalize the business.


Mediterranean Mojo: A Tiktok-led campaign